Using Creative Yoga to cope with stress – for Children and Adults
There’s no denying we live in a hurry up, rushed, be here, go there, quick paced society. It is so easy to get caught up in it. Those moments when you stop and breathe, and have a quick realization at how you were running around...
Creative Yoga – The Concept
We are all creators, sound weird? If we look at creativity in the sense of how it is explained in the Oxford dictionary 'the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness' you can see that being creative doesn’t only mean creating a...
Yoga for kids in Cape Town
I have been teaching children Yoga for the past 5yrs, I remember starting up and feeling quite lonely! At the time, I only knew of another 3 people teaching Yoga to children in Cape Town and 2 of them I only knew via the grape...
June July Winter Yoga and Art Workshop – 2014
The winter holidays are always my favorite, I love being inside when the grey skies and rain hit us here in Cape Town. This year I hosted two workshop’s with the fabulous Susie Apple by who is an incredible Art teacher. We used our usual...
What we can learn from kids
Working with children is a very humbling experience. They have a way about them which is so honest and real, they cut to the chase and majority of them live in the here and now. I am so grateful to be a witness to the...