Yoga for kids in Cape Town

I have been teaching children Yoga for the past 5yrs, I remember starting up and feeling quite lonely! At the time, I only knew of another 3 people teaching Yoga to children in Cape Town and 2 of them I only knew via the grape vine. A lot of time has passed since then and the ‘Kids Yoga Industry’ (if you can call it that, I find it hard to put technical business terms on such a free spirited profession, but that’s just me 😉 has grown so wonderfully, after all, what can be better than more children getting Yoga and for the amazing benefits of this practice to be recognized by more and more people. There is now a growning number of schools in and around Cape Town, which support Yoga as an Extra Mural as well as most of our fabulous Studios. I have met many wonderful teachers, all who have their own unique traits and valuable lessons to impart to the children that they teach Yoga to.
To all those teachers out there who have chosen to impart their experience of Yoga to our children, your job is so special and you have chosen to do something amazing.
You are bringing light and love and skills to these beings who will treasure it for their life times.
Go check out this AMAZING website called Yoga Play 4 Kids which has a beautiful description of Yoga poses you can do at home with your kids, it’s a great resource for beginners to intermediate yoginis of all ages 🙂

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